Sunday Worship.
Our weekly services follow a historic pattern of Christian worship with the proclamation of God’s word at the centre. So we come together on Sunday mornings to sing God’s praises, to confess our sins, to pray, to hear God’s word preached and to take the Lord’s Supper.
We also have programmes for children that run during the service, and we have tea and coffee together at the end.
We meet in the main hall at the Petra College Junior starting at 9:00AM every Sunday morning.
Living Hope Groups.
Small groups of people who gather together around God’s word during the week as one expression of our shared lives with one another thanks to the gospel.
We seek to connect with God through Bible-study and prayer, connect with one another as we care for and serve each other, and connect with our wider communities in meeting needs and seeing people won to Christ and remain in him.
Mixed Adults
Young Adults
Youth & Kids
Living Hope Church is a new gathering of people who have been transformed by Jesus Christ and the life and hope in him and so we want nothing more than to bring this Living Hope to our city. The best way we can do that is by being:
In the Bible Jesus tells us that one thing matters more than anything else: listening to his teaching. After all, his words are the words of eternal life. The voice of Jesus is heard in the Bible and so we make listening to it central to all that we do.
Grace changes everything! By grace we are reconciled to God in Jesus Christ, made heirs of the promises of God and given certain hope in a broken world. Having personally received this gift of grace in Jesus Christ we pray this same grace defines and shapes our relationship with God, one another and the world around us.
The whole bible story points toward and is focussed on the kingdom of God where one day he will live with a great people in great blessing forever. And so knowing that this world is not our home we pray that our lives are self-sacrificially focussed on doing all that we can to see many others enter the kingdom of God.
God’s word the Bible is perfect in every way and is the supreme authority of the Church in all matters of faith and conduct – we want to believe what God says in the Bible, and we want to live in obedience to Him.
But ever since the earliest days of the church, Christians have laid out their beliefs in brief ‘creeds’ or ‘confessions’ in an attempt to summarise essential Christian truths and to guard the church from error. These statements are always secondary to the Bible but they are enormously helpful. For that reason, and as part of the Presbytery of Bulawayo all elders at Living Hope Church are required to affirm the Westminster Confession of Faith and to seek to live in the light of it.
Living Hope Church is led by a team of elders who are responsible for the teaching, leading and pastoral care of the church.
Jorum Mugari
Teaching Elder
Mitch Spence
teaching Elder
Ministry Team.
Evah Mugari
Women's Ministry
Shumi Magondo
Winston Coltart
Jess Spence
Children's Volunteer
Musa Ntaisi
Gamu Nyamuridzo
Tamuka Magondo