A Presbyterian and Reformed church near NUST proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Off Campus.

100 Marimba Rd, Matsheumhlope | Sundays | 9AM

Whether you consider yourself to be Christian or not, first year or post-grad, full-time or part-time, regular or  alternate program we invite you to join us. Regardless of your story, prior beliefs or church denomination we simply aim to point everyone to Jesus Christ and the life and hope in him as given to us in the bible. 

You can expect to find students and families gathered together around the preaching of God’s word, wrapped in singing, prayer and confessing our sins to God. And we usually hangout afterwards over a drink and a snack as we learn to love one another in Christ. 

On Campus.


We are part of the Evangelical Student Network and so you will see us around campus. Catch up with us one-to-one, in small group bible studies, at life skills seminars, after topical talks and at various social events on campus. No matter your denomination you are welcome to join us as we seek to live in light of the gospel as a community of brothers and sisters in Christ.  


Come away with us for SUMMIT each September for a great few days exploring God’s Word together through Bible talks, seminars, small groups, electives and of course a whole bunch of fun and games. Each year we will focus on a topic designed to help us make sense of our world, and what it means to live as the people of God.